delete from CONTRACTREL where to_contract_id in
delete from CONTRACTREL where from_contract_id in
delete from CONTRACTCOMPVAL where contr_component_id in (select contr_component_id from CONTRACTCOMPONENT where contract_id in (select contract_id from contract where admin_contract_id in
delete from ENTITYROLE where role_instance_pk in
delete from MISCVALUE where instance_pk in
delete from GROUPINGASSOC where instance_pk in
delete from contractrole where contr_component_id in (select contr_component_id from CONTRACTCOMPONENT where contract_id in
delete from ACCOUNTADDRESSDETAILS where contr_component_id in (select contr_component_id from CONTRACTCOMPONENT where contract_id in
delete from xcontractcomponent where contr_component_id in (select contr_component_id from CONTRACTCOMPONENT where contract_id in
delete from CONTRACTCOMPONENT where contract_id in
delete from CLIENTENTITLEMENT where contract_id in
delete from BILLINGASSOC where contract_id in
delete from CONTRACT where admin_contract_id in
Some tables might be missing. All users, please do check while using the above query.