Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Migration IBM MDM V9 to IBM MDM v11.4 (PHYSICAL /WCC)

Migration IBM MDM V9 to IBM MDM v11.4 (PHYSICAL /WCC)

IBM MDM V11.4 AE Pre-Requisite =>
IM 1.7.2,
RAD 9.1, 
WAS 8.5.5,   
WAS FP (Fix pack and both are needed) ,
 WB , MDM V11.4,
 DB2-10.5 , ORACLE-11G

For IBM MDM 11.4 installation Ref :

1st way > via RUN MANUAL SCRIPT madconfig.bat/.sh file
2nd way >
>> 1st take a backup of zip file of IBM MDM v9 project via project
     interchange (export)
>>Create a project in IBM MDM v11.4 using RAD and import ZIP file
For V9 project
>>Auto migration wizard Start , Just do next next
>>If you have custom addition/extension automatically CBA folder 
    crated in v11.4 in RAD
>>for Custom addition/extension have to expose u r customs services
To blue-print xml

Monday, September 14, 2015

Universal Test Client

It is an utility provided by IBM in RAD.

Read more about UTC:

We can test request and response on different queues with the help of UTC.
-We can put xml requests on the request queue in UTC
-You need to provide JNDI names for the respective queue and queueConnection factory(JNDI names can be found in ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi in DWLMessagingAdapter project)
-After sending an xml on request queue reponse will be generated on Reponse queue.
-We can check that response in Admin Console->Service Integration->Buses->Messaging engine->Queue points

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Generating JAX-RPC Web Services Using MDM v11.4

Generating JAX-RPC  Web Services Using MDM v11.4

Step 1: Import the JAX-RPC web services .EAR file using the wizard, take the following steps:
1.     Click File > Import.
2.     Under Select an import source, click J2EE > EAR file, then click Next.
3.     Specify the details for your imported EAR file:
o    In the EAR file field, click Browse to<WB_INSTALL_DIR>/ and select file.
o    In the EAR project field, accept the default project name or type a new project name.
o    In the Target runtime drop-down list, select the application server that you want to target for your development.
4.     Click Finish to complete the import process.

Step 2:  Enabling generation of JAX-RPC web services for MDM version 11.4

1.     Within the development project, open the file.
2.     Locate the property legacyWebservices and set its value to "true"
3.     Locate the property legacyEARProjectName and ensure it matches the project name of the imported EAR file.
4.     Save and close the mdmgen.properites.

Step 3:  Deploying generated JAX-RPC web services for MDM version 11.4

1.     Deploy the CBA. 
2.     Uninstall the existing JAX-RPC web services EAR that was installed with the product to allow you to replace it with the newly generated EAR.
a.     Open the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server admin console
b.    Select Application > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
c.     Select the checkbox next to MDM-old-web-services-xxxx and click Uninstall.
3.     Deploy the JAX-RPC Web Services CBA project (default name WSCBA). 
4.     Update the JAX-RPC EAR security settings
a.     Within the JAX-RPC EAR project, open the file META-INF/ibm-application-bnd.xml.
b.    In the Design tab, click Application Bindings > Security Role (ServiceProvider).
c.     Run As (mdmadmin).
d.    In the right-hand panel, set the Password to your mdmadmin password.
e.     Save and close the file.
5.     Right-click on the JAX-RPC EAR project, then click JavaEE > Prepare for Deployment.
6.     Deploy the JAX-RPC EAR project to the server, either through the Servers view in the MDM Workbench or through the IBM WebSphere Application Server admin console.
Note: When using the MDM Workbench in IBM Rational® Application Developer version 8.5.1, the Prepare for Deployment operation does not generate all of the required artifacts for the web services. In this case, the JAX-RPC web services EAR must be deployed through the IBM WebSphere Application Server admin console. To do this, take the following steps:
a.     Ensure the maximum heap size of the server is set to at least 1GB; otherwise out-of-memory errors are likely to occur during deployment
b.    Export the EAR from the workspace.
c.     Install the EAR through the IBM WebSphere Application Server admin console, enabling the deploy web services in the installation options.

7.     Restart IBM WebSphere Application Server.