Friday, January 16, 2015

MDM Hybrid Model : Event Manager ( Virtual MDM) is not Working

Sometimes, even we do everything right like have enabled hybrid model but still do not see event manger to work properly means even data get inserted into Virtual MDM Model but event manger does not create golden record into Physical MDM.  We also see mpi_entoque_xxx table populated with data but do not get picked by Event Manager.

There might be multiple reason for it. Below is written few check points

1. Make sure that  Messaging Engine is started

2. See log files minutely while starting the server because sometimes it gets started successfully but still some errors get captured in SystemOut.log file.

For Example:

I have got this error:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Application could not be initialized. Application Name and Version could not be resolved.


This error typically indicates that the InfoSphere MDM EBA application symbolic name does not match the entries in the APPSOFTWARE configuration table.
Confirm that the APPSOFTWARE entry matches the EBA symbolic name by executing the following SQL statement:
select * from APPSOFTWARE;
In the WebSphere Application Sever Administrative Console, navigate to Applications > Application Types > Assets. Under Assets, click on theMDM operational server EBA > asset. On the following page, click Export the deployment manifest from this application.
Now open the file and search for Application-SymbolicName and Version. Next to it will be the value that needs to correspond to the entry in the APPSOFTWARE table.

Friday, January 9, 2015

IBM MDM v11-- MDMSE : ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded in SystemOut.log


One scenario for this problem happening is loading data. While attempting to load data into engine, customer is experiencing problems with maximum open cursors on the database. This happens at random periods when loading data.


JDBC connection pool management issue in WAS

Diagnosing the problem

When checking in the database, the SQL with excessive open cursors is "select 1 from dual" statement, which is done by WAS to verify data source connections.

Resolving the problem

WAS has problem in JDBC connection pool management. As a workaround, in the data source definition page of WAS console, choose "WebSphere Application Server data source properties", and enable "Validate existing pooled connections", and select "Validation by JDBC driver", pick an appropriate timeout, then save.

For an Oracle datasource, Validation by JDBC Driver appears on the administrative console only after the validateNewConnectionTimeout property is added to the [Updated in September 2013]custom properties of the datasource[Updated in September 2013]
 Name: validateNewConnectionTimeout 
Value =0
Type: "java.lang.Integer"